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How To Breed Boer Goats

How To Breed Boer Goats Without Too Much Effort

Boer goats are very healthy goats, and not only that but they are very popular because they are easy to care for and they reproduce quickly. You can also count on them growing to maturity quickly, and the reason most people farm them is because of the meat they get from them. If you’re thinking about breeding this South African goat, then join the crowd, as many farmers are taking on this trend.

As a matter of fact, one article I’m reading says that you can add a boer goat to your herd of regular goats. Now, if you’re going to do this, you want to make sure you get the absolute best breeding male that you can find. Perhaps you don’t yet farm goats, but you’re thinking about taking them on by getting a few boer goats to get started.

When learning how to breed boer goats, you’re going to need to know when those females are going to be looking to reproduce. Fall is the best time for them, as this is when the female boer goats are typically the most fertile. Now, you’ve been told that boer goats reproduce quickly, and so you won’t be surprised when you’re told that these fertile goats often have twins. Be prepared for a fast-growing boer goat farm with plenty of meat for your family and plenty of meat to sell.

While boer goats are from South Africa, you can expect that the ones you get are likely going to be from somewhere in the states or in New Zealand. Back to learning how to breed boer goats, and you should know that the heat cycle for the female boer goats during the fall lasts for 25 days. What’s odd is that they can breed and then a week or so later be in heat once again. This is just going to be because the female goat wasn’t pregnant the first time, but it is known that the second time breeding usually works.

By the way, it’s not difficult to know when you have a female boer goat in heat. You’ll know, and if you’re not sure there are plenty of signs to look for, including vaginal discharge and mounting other does in the area. Female boer goats only have to be seven months old in order to breed, but you also need to take into account their weight, which should be approximately 80 pounds.

One article I’m reading says the ideal time for breeding your boar goats, while during the fall, is specifically in September. This would mean that the female boer goats would give birth in February. So, this leads me to believe that this wouldn’t be the best time for people living in the states. Maybe later in the fall would be more ideal so that the kids are born in the springtime.

It’s not too complicated at all to get the does and bucks to breed together. It happens naturally through pasture breeding if you want to let nature take its course. Soon, you’ll likely be overrun with boer goats that you can keep selling for meat.

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